LaFunky Cup is a tournament consisting of 3 disciplines (table football, darts, table tennis).With the official LaFunky Cup app, it has never been easier to create a game plan and record the results.There are 2 entrances.One is the moderator, who can make the settings, such as inviting participants, entering results and a guest access who can see the tables of the individual disciplines, such as the overall table and fixtures.Participants can be renamed and deleted. Simply swipe from right to left on a participant.The fixtures are generated automatically.It takes at least 3 participants. Otherwise 4,5 or 6 participants. If there are more than 6 participants, the number of participants must be an even number, otherwise a fair game plan cannot be created automatically.The app counts the normal result in table football, up to 10, with a goal difference.Table tennis is played until 11, and the difference counts there too.In darts, the classic game 301/501 is not played, but there are 46 playing cards with the fields 1-20, bull, double and triple, all twice. The first card is turned up and must be hit with one of the 3 darts, if the number / bull / double / triple is hit, the card belongs to the thrower and the next card is turned up. If this is not hit with the darts, the card is removed from the game and the next thrower takes the next card. The game is over when there are no more cards in the deck. The game is won by the player with the most cards, each card is worth 1 point. The difference is also counted there. In the overall table, all wins that are rated with 3 points per game are then counted. All individual wins and lost sets as well as all goals or points and the differences are counted there.At the end there is a discipline winner and a tournament winner.